Information on Splatterclan~

Weather~ Sunny. Warm weather still. Lots of prey and water .

Kits~ Winterspring's litter; Hollykit, Hawkkit, Featherkit

Deaths~ Robinpath. RIP.

Prey~ Getting low. Need more soon.

Threats~ Talon, Claw and The Rouges. Badgers.

New Warriors~ Nightice. Tigerstripe. Shadowhawk. Bluebird(Medicine Cat)

Expecting Mothers~ Swiftheart, Mintshadow, Lakehoney

Current Prophecy~ None.

Friday, September 10, 2010


*Speedstar sighs* As some may know, Robinpath has passed. The whole clan misses him, very much. Especially one cat. Just thought Id let you know..

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Apprentices to Warrior's

*Speedstar steps up* All clan cats old enough to catch your own prey meet below Mossy Rock! *watches the catc gather* We have many apprentices to become warriors today. Shadowpaw, Tigerpaw, Bluepaw, and Nightpaw step up first.

Tigerpaw. You have trained hard for your warrior name. Are you willing to be loyal to this clan, even at the cost of your life? *he nodds* Then by the power of Starclan you will be known as Tigerstripe from now on.

Shadowpaw. Step up. You have earned your warrior name also. Are you also willing to protect the clan, even at the cost of your life? *he agrees* Then you will be known as Shadowhawk.

Bluepaw, please step up. *she steps up* You have learned about many herbs, enough to be a full medicine cat. Keep learning. You will now be known as Bluebird.

And finally, for now. Nightpaw. Nightpaw, you have waited extra moons to become the warrior you wanted to be. And you dont need to wait any longer, you will be known as Nightice now.

*Speedstar smiles* That is all! Welcome the new warriors!!!!

Tigerstripe! Shadowhawk! Bluebird! Nightice!
Tigerstripe! Shadowhawk! Bluebird! Nightice!

(If you want your apprentice to become a warrior, tell me!)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Talon & The Rouges

*Talon walked in, Mintshadow at his side. At least twenty rouges lined up behind them * LISTEN UP SPLATTERCLAN! We, as In the rouges and I, have something to say. We want this territory, and were gonna get it. One way or another. Right Mintshadow? *smiled evily and looked at her, knowing she was gonna have to say it*


*Mintshadow gulped, and showed her fangs at Talon* Yes Talon. We. Declare. War.


*Speedstar jumped up* Now that Mintshadow has left the clan, everything has calmed down! Except the badgers of course. But let's get back on schedule! We need daily patrols, like always! Icygaze will you lead a Hunting Patrol? Were getting low. Reedfog, you lead a Border Patrol please! Then.. There was something else, but until I remember, that is all! Have fun and dont leave the territory for a few nights please! Thanks! *he jumps down*

Monday, August 16, 2010

Patrol and Prophecy

*Speedstar leaps up quickly, his face tight with worry* Everyone! We need the Prophecy to leave soon!! If not it might not happen, but before that happens, lets hear it from one of their own. *he backs up, revealing a big, handesome tabby tom* Talk Talon.

*Talon growled and searched the crowd, his eyes cold with anger* Im Talon. Im here to take the Prophecy cats back with me, starting with Mintshadow. Because we knew Robinpath would come and get her, then the others would follow them too. *he sat up straight, looking at Robinpath and Mintshadow* Im one of Mintshadows cats, we have the same...Techniques lets say. And if we cant get her, were gonna get the rest. Meaning attack. *he looked at Speedstar* I forgot to tell you that, master.

(Also, people are not commenting! Please comment, especially if your in the Prophecy!! Thanks)

Saturday, August 7, 2010


*Speedstar stepped up and called the clan together* We have three new warriors! *he smiled* Mintpaw, Vanillapaw, and Reedpaw step up please. Vanillapaw, you will be known as Vanillamint from now on. *he looked at Reedpaw* Reedpaw, you will be known as Reedfog from now on. *he smiled as his eyes landed on Mintpaw* Mintpaw. Youve done well, you will be known as Mintshadow from now on.


A unknown cat watched the newly found warriors, his eyes focused on a certain one. He disapeared into the shadows.

~Unknown Cat~

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"Badger Bedding"

I made a page for it instead, its right by the Mates/Future Mates and Suggestions for us! (: