Information on Splatterclan~

Weather~ Sunny. Warm weather still. Lots of prey and water .

Kits~ Winterspring's litter; Hollykit, Hawkkit, Featherkit

Deaths~ Robinpath. RIP.

Prey~ Getting low. Need more soon.

Threats~ Talon, Claw and The Rouges. Badgers.

New Warriors~ Nightice. Tigerstripe. Shadowhawk. Bluebird(Medicine Cat)

Expecting Mothers~ Swiftheart, Mintshadow, Lakehoney

Current Prophecy~ None.

Badger Patrol

Comment here if you are part of the Badger Patrol! Info;

How many badgers? Four. Two adults, two cubs.

Where are they? In their den, mostly.

Beware of the Male Badger, hes fully grown. Hes stronger than the other three, hes gonna be the one to show up unexpectantly.


  1. * Swiftheart quietly sitting at the top of a tree looking down on where the Badgers are*

    ~ Swiftheart

  2. * Hids in a bush and looks up to see Swiftheart in a tree*

    ~ Shadowpaw

  3. Sootclaw whispered to Nightpaw, "Wait for it." He looked at Swiftheart, checking to make sure she was okay, then looked at where Sahdowpaw was, but couldnt see him.


    Nightpaw nodded and hid under a fernbush, her black pelt completely hidden.

  4. * Climbs down the tree to talk to Sootclaw* You see them cuz I don't
    ~ Swiftheart

  5. *shrugged a little* Well, if your a badger and you knew enemies were here, would you come out? *he smiled and crouched lower into the grass*


  6. ~BADGERS~

    A big female badger lumbers out of the shadows, and heads straight for the cats, being at least four time's their size.


  7. * Eyes widen* Great Starclan thats a big badger * She mutters*
    ~ Swiftheart

  8. Nightpaw, being outgoing self, leaped at it. Not realzing how big it was until she was on its back.


  9. Nightpaw! * Rushes over to help and claws the badgers muzzel *
    ~ Swiftheart

  10. *smiles at Swiftheart* I think I owe my life!!!!!! *kept clawing*


    *Sootclaw watched, his muscles tense with worry. He waited for the other badgers, watching to make sure they didnt get hurt*


  11. ~*BADGERS*~

    The female badger shook her pelt, throwing Nightpaw down and turned to the woods. Searching frantically for the cubs.

    ~Female Badger

    The male badger waited in the shadows with the cubs, so no one could see or smell him.

  12. Hey Nightpaw (ice)! You ok?
    ~ Swiftheart

  13. * Hisses at the badger *
    ~ Shadowhawk

  14. * Jumps up onto the badgers back only to get flung back off *
    ~ Swiftheart

  15. Swiftheart! *forgot everything and ran to her*


    *stayed down low, growling lightly*


  16. * Stuggles onto her paws*
    ~ Swiftheart

  17. Have I ever said how much I hate badgers!? * She hisses through her teeth *
    ~ Swiftheart

  18. *looked at Swiftheart, eyes filled with worry* Are you okay?! Your expecting, go back!


  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. *She looked at Swiftheart* We have it! You need to go back! Sootclaw, go with her! *disapeared into the shadows*


  21. The Male Badger watched the cats, smirking a badger smirk.

    ~Male Badger

    The female's legs got weaker and waeaker and she shook her head violently.


  22. * shakes her head * I'm fine

    ~ Swiftheart

    ( Have I ever said Swiftheart was stubborn? )

  23. (Lol no.. But she is a she! Jk)

    Sootclaw, looked at her. "If you get hurt, Im gonna die." Smiles and looks around.


  24. * Smiles * Thanks
    ~ Swiftheart
    ( Lol)
